

俚语 /self


Used in html and certain message board markup, the slash (/) means end (ex. for bold text, use b to start the bold text and /b to end it, note the slash), so /self means end self, aka kill yourself.
1-I like to watch gay porn and call people noobs even though I'm a bigger noob than them!!!1!!1!
2- /self dumbass


The field of psychology attempts to define it with circular definitions. The truth is, we don't really know how to define self... not objectively at least.
In a few words, self is consciousness. Consciousness escapes objective description (poor example: your experience of the colour red, is it the same as mine?). If a definition requires an objective description, then self is un-definable.
Get your fine self over hear!


The act of selfsucking, autofellatio
Hey did you see that guy selfing online tonite?


Selfed to be self-sufficient self-reliant. To make your own way.
Man Joey totally selfed that situation.

Jon didn't need anyone he selfed it he's a total boss.

Will Self

To Will Self, i.e.

a)to be a complete legend, hilarious and know every word in the dictionary.

b)to speak in a terrifically deadpan, smokers drawl and appear on "Shooting Stars"
A - I cannot believe you're defining someone so coruscating and whimsical within the confines of such a minute oblong!

B - What?


ones own personality and being
i am not feeling like myself


Mankind's biggest illusion.
I believe I exist because there is a me,but what is me? who am I? what is this self? that I've known for so long that consists of my name,family,likes,dislikes,attributes,personality,desires,wishes etc ah yes i see! it is just a creation of the powerful mind. Signals from the mind to body and everything self do not depend on a me. Nothing does. The mind is beautiful,but a dangerous and misleading thing. Thank you brain, but I see the light now! it's so clear, holy crap "I" can't believe "I've" been fooled for so long. Everything is a concept. Now I am free from pure illusion, no more victim to give guilt,sadness,fear etc too. No more person to experience life's pain. There is no self.




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