

俚语 sex with dog

Sex trained dog

A dog that has been trained to have sex with humans.featured in some kinds of porn and sometimes brought to an orgy as a curosity or to make it more kinky or as a pet for a pervert ect.
Guss what John's got one of those sex trained dogs.

Sex Dog

Person with an uncontrollable sex drive
Hey Nick, I think Anthony has the horn

Yep he's a real sex dog

sex dog

A dog that a human thinks is attractive and want to have sex with .
Mike said "Hey that is a hot looking sex dog "."If I was a dog I would have sex with that dog ".
Mike asked Tom " have you ever seen a dog that you want to have sex with ? Tom Replied oh yeah , you mean a sex dog ?

sex dog

The epitome of sexual deviance
'She said you were bad in bed dude... '

'No man, they call me the sex dog... Oh yeah'

mad sex dog

Usually a girl named madison. Is willing to sleep with anyone or anything! Considered "easy to get". This girl is not into dating. She just loves to have those one night stands. She is the girl who will go to a club and bring back at least 5 guys.
I fucked this mad sex dog last night.

sex on a hot dog

Something which is completely beast, even better than sex on a stick
That was sex on a hot dog, man

sex with dog

If someone says to you “sex with dog” you much immediately respond with “dog with sex” or the other person must chop off your dick.
Person 1: Sex with dog




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