

俚语 shampooed


adj. Mentally cleansed, espeically of behaviours, attitudes, or even memories considered "undesirable" by one partner. To truly shampoo a partner requires a great deal of effort to achieve the required level of obedience, but results in a docile and obedient lover who cannot conceive of not wanting to obey and please.
GF1: "Damn, Margot really shampooed her toyboy!"
GF2: "He doesn't even recognize his old girlfriends anymore..."
GF1: "She took him from free-range boi to shampooed toy!"


Day drinking after bingeing the night before. Much easier to sustain a good day drunk.
I had 3 beers and was shampooed by 2p.m.


Definition for drunk.
"Hey you getting shampooed tonight?"


A concoction used to cleanse one's scalp. Its ingredients consist of:

1 part sham
1 part poo
Dang, I wish Greasy Gary would use some shampoo.


What some people call the Orca whale Shamu at Seaworld in San Diego USA.
{trainer in the water with Shamu}: Here Shampoo!
{Shamu} Emits several brief squeals and then douches his trainer rather thoroughly with huge jets of water


To indulge in alcoholic consumption the following day/night after getting completely shitfaced the night before. Usually it's easier to get drunk that next night.
Kate and Lauren are shampooing in the fratmosphere again tonight!


A creamy goo used to clean a person's hair it also makes it feel & smell good
Kaylee : Hey Kiersten thanks for letting me use your Shampoo this morning!
Kiersten : No problem I noticed your hair was a little greasy!
Kaylee : No!!! I Had just ran out I wash my hair everday!
Kiersten : Whatever! Last night Jake came for me 3 times it must be my new Shampoo I think it really stimulates his penis!
Chad : Wow Kaylee I never noticed how sexy your hair was til today wanna come up to my office and let me cum for you?
Kaylee : Sure Chad maybe after work you can come to my place and Shampoo my hair!
Chad : You know Kaylee this could lead to a promotion for you!
Kiersten : Damn't Kaylee! You took my sexy Shampoo this morning! YOU BITCH!




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