

俚语 shitscaping


Shitscaping or shitscapped. Describes a poorly executed landscaping job, such as poor lawn cutting, poor brick laying, poor mulch spreading, etc. The act of shitscaping is commonly done among landscaping companies that do not have the proper amount of personal, equipment, or knowledge to carry out a given job.
Since the employee franked up the lawn mower, by flipping the lawnmower when trying to cut grass on a steep hill, the grass was shitscapped because it was tore up by the tires and many areas were left uncut.

The landscaping company bid very low on a given job, which bidding low typically correlates in doing a very poor landscaping job, hence shitscaping.


A chaotic event or string of them. Sometimes caused through self-inflicted foolhardy "Fuck it" choices. Other times created by others and out of your control but still has you stuck in the middle of a WTF situation.
When we were young we created so many shitscapes that made us sort of legends.

His drinking and drugging made a shitscape of his life.


Runescape. It's a game made by Andrew something. IT SUCKS. IT SUCKS ASS. Bad Graphics. Bad Lag. Cheaters, and sfcking cheesy. DO NOT PAY for this game unless you want to be consumed by it. It's bad for you. Play some Counter Strike or something
Runescape is fucking SHITSCAPE.


A geographical/ socio-economical clusterfuck. Generally unsafe & its inhabitants long for a way out.
This country is a shitscape.


A Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game created by a little known company on the internet by the name of Jagex Inc. this game is basically for Freebies and Noobies alike.Its best that you find yourself another MMORPG to play unless if your really into shitfest graphics and ridiculous skills to master.
Guy 1: "dude Dave,do you play Runescape?

Guy 2: "You mean Shitscape?,hell no!"

the great shitscape

The act of walking into a restroom only to have to spin around and leave immediately due to the stench left behind by the last person.
Avoid the bathroom on 4. I just had to pull the great shitscape from that one.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:38:48