

俚语 shitting the door

Shitting the Door

When people are scared it is said they'll 'shit their pants' and when people are emotionally distant it's called 'putting up a wall' (or door in this case.) Shitting the door simply means you are scared to get emotionally close to someone so you put up a door to prevent that.
Boy 1: I really like Becky but she doesn't seem to like me back...
Boy 2: Nah man, she's just shitting the door. Give her time.

bangs like a shit house door

A female who energically enjoys sex.
Taken from when most houses in England had outside toliets and a door that would slam shut in the wind.
"I'd like to get into Sarah's knickers, i bet she bangs like a shit house door!"

shit hit the door twice

to look or feel wretched, especially when describing a hang over.
"man, i drank so much last night, i feel like shit hit the door twice."

"i woke up so late this morning, i look like shit hit the door twice."

Lumpy shit taste my door

1.) When a monkey sneaks up behind you and jams his finger in your ass.
2.) When you sneak up on a monkey and make it give you a handjob.
Cody-"Damn, that monkey snuck up on me and gave me a Lumpy shit taste my door"
Ryan- "Hahahaha Lick me"

shit through a screen door

An extremely runny, liquidy shit that would pass completely through the screen of a door, if the opportunity arose.
"Drinking too much of that fancy beer makes me shit through a screen door."




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