

俚语 shotskies


A cocktail of reasonable strength, made up of two tequila and two vodka shots. Usually served with ice and a tooth pick. Also known to its detractors as "The Red Terror". The drink is especially despised by the counter-revolutionary Sambuca, Staropramen and Carling drinkers, who are known collectively as the Bukharinists and Stalinists.
E.g. 1. "Oi mate, I got us a couple of tequilas."

"Why don't you stop being a Menshevik?"

"You what?"

"Put some vodka in it and let's have a shotsky."

E.g. "I'm feeling extra socialist tonight, shotskies for everyone!"


A ski with 4 shot glasses glued to it. 4 participants drink at the same time.

Originated from the University of British Columbia.
Man, I got trashed from the shotski last night!


A ski with five shot glasses on it. Good for bonding over alcohol.

Not invented, but perfected at the cross country compound of the University of Colorado -Colorado Springs.
Bro! That shotski got me so hammered last night! You guys are awesome!


another word for a smoking method known as a shotty
dave could you load me up a shotski off your bud please?


;Slang word for shot
;The taking of a small amount of liquor that you shoot back (drink fast) in a tiny cup
Let’s take a shotskies.
Who wants some/a shotskies.




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