The belief that transcendence of life into heaven is achieved at 6% bodyfat. A complete euphoria and sense of accomplishment overcomes the shredder, entering, almost surpassing the majestic boundaries of human emotion.
Aesthetic gods religion. Shreddology.
1 Thou shalt not worry about what the pros do, but trust yourself and be pleased with yourself - if the boots fit, buy them, not because it is a Shaun White Model. 2 Thou shalt not specify. 3 Thou shalt not steal the gear for your brother! 4 Thou shalt wear Protections (even in the horizontal). 5 Thou shalt not hurt others, maim or kill, just because they are inexperienced or they lack control. 6 You shall hold such in honor, who have more experience or trying to improve. Respect demands respect! 7 Thou shalt thy brother in the park do not take the right of way. 8 Thou shalt not be a poser. 9 You shall not defile your ski resort with garbage (and not others). 10th Thou shalt not ski!
the religion of snowboarders
the religion of snowboarders
learn the shreddology before goin' the park!
we live by the shreddology, the written law of snowboarding by snowboarders, for snowboarders
we live by the shreddology, the written law of snowboarding by snowboarders, for snowboarders