July 8
The best people were born on this date. If you are one of them, you are for a fact, funny, beautiful, loving and a caring person. If you know someone who was born on this date, just love them. Do not let them go, ever because they are one of a kind.
-Wow! He is the kindest person ever!
-Yeah, he was born on July 8th.
-Oohh, makes sense!
-Yeah, he was born on July 8th.
-Oohh, makes sense!
July 8
A bad bad bitches birthday
John:it's July 8 you know what day it is
Mary: no what
John: it's that bad bitches birthday
Mary: no what
John: it's that bad bitches birthday
July 8
July 8th means you can slap anyone and they can not snitch or be mad
Kyle: *slaps Vanessa*
Vanessa: The hell Kyle
Kyle: Your not supposed to tell or be mad. Haha
July 8 is independence day also.
Vanessa: The hell Kyle
Kyle: Your not supposed to tell or be mad. Haha
July 8 is independence day also.
July 8
If you were born on july 8 go hug you best friend
july 8
the birthday of a pretty, boujee, brownskin stallion that is nice , but has a biggg attitude at times. but don't bring it up we're sensitive. and is anti but yeah that's it...
You can tell her birthday is July 8th because she's so nice and sensitive.
July 8
it's July 8th, eat some chicken nuggets!
Sändra: Oh it's July 8th
Sofaja: well, I'm gonna eat some chicken nuggets
Sofaja: well, I'm gonna eat some chicken nuggets
July 8
The coolest person's birthday and whoever is born on this day is a very brave and curious person.
"My birthday is July 8 and I'm curious!"