

俚语 sicarii njny

Sicarii NJNY

An antisemitic, black supremacist, and racist group of mentally unstable Black Hebrew Israelites who bully and harass people on New Jersey and New York streets. These unhinged nutjobs believe that Blacks, Hispanics, and Native Americans are God's chosen "race" and everyone else has to become enslaved. Their manic stupidity gets even more cringe as they claim that biracial blacks with white fathers aren't black. Their deranged rants are almost a tribute to terrorists from the Middle East and the Ku Klux Klan. These weirdos also insist white people kiss their feet.
It should be noted that all of these idiots are grown adults. The most blasphemous of their claims is that Jewish people aren't the "real Jews" resulting from the suffix "ish," meaning not wholly Jewish. Listening to their brain-dead takes may cause suicidal ideations.
Sicarii NJNY is about one level below the danger of the retards who besieged the Capitol on January 6th and the losers who destroyed property during the summer BLM protests of 2020.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:29:12