

俚语 belly butthole

Belly Butthole

an in-betweenie belly button; the mixture of an outie (belly button) and an innie (belly hole); belly button + belly hole = belly butthole.
Person 1: “Do you have a belly button, belly hole, or a belly butthole?” Person 2: “Well, I have an in-betweenie... so, a belly butthole!”

belly butthole

A belly butthole is like a belly button only it goes deeper so that when you stick your finger in there and pull it back out it smells funny.
He has a navel so deep and smelly, it's more like a belly butthole than a belly button.

Belly Button Butthole

When you swing your penis furiously back and forth between your naval and your butthole
Jay Belly Button Buttholed in front of your mom.




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