

俚语 smork


To “smoke more”, often used in conjunction with weed.
Is anyone down to smork?


Someone who is so smitten, they are acting like a absolute dork. Slightly embarrassing, usually someone who is not an obviously smitten person, hence the lame name Smork.
"You are acting like such a smork, you're definitely smorko over him"

Other variations include being smokro, smorkalicious etc etc.


A Smork is a campfire snack that is similar to the old campfire favorite snack called a "Smore", which is a graham cracker, with chocolate and a toasted marshmallow. A "smork" is graham cracker, a York peppermint pattie and a toasted marshmallow.

Word origin is Smore + York = Smork
Smork is a graham cracker sandwich with a york peppermint pattie and a toasted marshmallow in the center.


To continuously hit someone or something in the face.
They were really pissing me off so I smorked them.
If you keep that up I am going to smork you.
I turned a corner and saw someone smorking them.


Smoked Pork!! Come and get it at Nikolina's BBQ BISTRO!! Tampa, Fl
Succulent Slow Hickory Smoked BBQ Pork😋 Smork Come and Get it @ Nikolina's Bistro & BBQ 👍🏻
Nikolina's #NBBQ #FingerLickInGooD


Smoking a cigarette while smirking at the same time.
"y'know that Chris guy? The girls go crazy when he smorks."


(n)-Someone who is imbecilic, or immature, and likes troll.

Also Smorkly
Bramblestar: wafiy21, your a smork.
wafiy21: Thats just mean dude...




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