

俚语 snagle


One who lacks cerebal activitiy, and advise people to visit centercom computers when he has no clue. Also know as Sewerpeople.
Yo, Snagler my cd-rom is broken! what do i do?
Snagles says "Take it to centercom it happens all the time here, and we just sent it to centercom!"


Irregularity in a uniform object.
Like a kink or twist or snag
That wire has a snagle in it


A tooth in someone's mouth that is longer then normal and is most likely sticking out at an odd direction. When snagle-tooth is plural it is changed to snagle-tooths. The amount of snagle-tooths is only alowed up to three at a time. The snagle-tooths are never placed by each other.
"Look at that guy's snagle-tooths!"
"The pirate had a snagle-tooth".
"Everyone in his family is a snagle-tooth".

snagle tooth

somebody who appears to have been snacking on nuts and bolts. can be observed when the mouth is open. busted up teeth or tooth. half of a front tooth. may be associated with a lisp.
"did you see the snagle tooth on that chick? ...she musta been snacking on nuts and bolts!"

snagle shark

a chronically snarky person.
Jane: "What are you doing, Sonny?"
Sonny: "Oh, I don't know, Jane. I'm sticking a fistful of ham & rye into my pie hole so if I were an educated person I'd say I was selling enriched plutonium to dictators."
Jane: "You're such a snagle shark."




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