

俚语 snowshits


An incurable mental affliction resulting in the inability to appear at work when even the slightest amount of snowfall is possible. Symptoms include anxiety, diarrhea , and rampant use of badly constructed excuses.
" There's some snow in the forecast. I'll bet Steve gets a case of the snowshits again. Can't wait to hear his excuse for ducking work this time."


A snowstorm with particularly wet and heavy conditions, likely to lead to heavy accumulation, as well as massive ice patches. So named because, if there is a god causing the weather, this is him taking an angry, angry shit on your city.
1. "No way I'm going to lab! It's snowshitting like all hell out there!"

2. "We were going to go out to the movies, but stayed home instead to avoid the snowshit."


The particles of dirt and debris stuck to objects after a snow event
“OMG!! I just drove through a snowstorm and I’m going to have so much snowshit on my car tomorrow!”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:11:37