

俚语 sock jocks

Sock Jock

Someone who masturbates in a sock.
Jim is definitely a Sock Jock!

Jock Sock

A brand of jockstrap from the manufacturer "Jock Sock" featuring a pouch for supporting the male genitals that is sewn directly into the waistband, obviating the need for straps.
Oscar-winner Yul Brynner was the face of Jock Sock in "Yul Brynner for Jock Sock" advertisements carried in comic books and men's magazines in the late 1960s.

jock sock

A condom, especially while in use.
Oh shit, my jock sock's cocked.

Jock Socks

Jock Socks are what nerds, geeks, or people who hate jocks/sporty people Call crew socks (preferably Nike Elites) or any type of basketball sock.
Burt: "Hey did you did you see Jacob walking around in his jock socks?"

Andy: "I know they are so stupid!"

sock to the jock

to punch a dude or chick in his or her dick.
That little punk sitting in front of the CVS thought he was the shit , so I gave him a sock to the jock!

Sock Jocks

When one wears socks in his underwear to enhance the size of his package
When one uses socks to enhance the size of their package whilst wearing underwear . It looks like he is wearing sock jocks




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