

俚语 99-cent


1. Used to describe something that is poorly made, doesn't work, or has any other negative aspect.
2. Used to describe someone who is bad at something.
"Dude your CD player is skipping, wow, 99-cent CD player."

"Way to drop the food, you're a 99-cent grocery bagger."

99 Cents

When a certain item is extremely cheaper then how that same item would regularly cost. A bargain, deal, etc.
Sam: This bong is 18 inches and it's only 13 bucks...

Korey: Get it dude. 99 cents!

Sam: That's what I thought!

99 cent store

A store where everything costs 99¢.
"Dude, I got us some lunch for 99¢!"
"Dude, don't eat that shit."

99 cent store

Home of cheap stuff, expired brand name food, and almost expired food from brands you've never heard of.
Hey dude I'm gonna go buy some party poppers at the 99 cent store.

99 cent store

Business establishment owned and operated by rapper 50 cent's older brother.
Yo! Get you some pimp-ass gear and a hot 9 milli at 99 cent store

99 cent store

The best thing ever for collectors of hilarious products, but don't eat anything that comes from this place.

99 cent hooker

One cheap ass hooker.
Guy- How much?

Hooker- 99 cent baby.

Guy- Hell yeah I caught me a 99 cent hooker.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 22:26:40