

俚语 spirit of the laws

Spirit of the Laws

A book by Montesquieu
Did you read The Spirit of the Laws

spirit of the law

An alcoholic beverage that is used to bribe a government official to "cut you some slack" or "look the other way" during an inspection, audit, or investigation.
A classic "spirit of the law" joke, from an old 90's-era "Hagar the Horrible" cartoon:
IRS auditor: Hello, Mr. Horrible; I'm from the IRS, and I'm here to audit your income tax return.
Hagar (calling over his shoulder into the house): Bring me out a bottle of my best wine, Helga!
IRS auditor (making a huge huffy show of shocked indignance): You DARE try to BRIBE ME with a BOTTLE OF WINE?!??
Hagar (with cheerful imperturbability): Make that TWO bottles, Helga!
IRS auditor: (smiles broadly and closes his eyes in smug satisfaction --- hey, HE was no more morally-upstanding than the NEXT corrupt official; he just needed Hagar to "up the ante" a bit to get him to "take a soft approach" in his investigation! :P)

spirit of the law

An awesome youtuber who makes you want to play again a game you tought was dead since 2006.
Hey guys, spirit of the law here!




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