

俚语 spundoolie


A never ending competition that MUST be considered VERY carefully before initiating. It is first initiated when Person 1 smacks something out of Person 2's hand and yells "SPUNDOOLIE!" The challenge is now initiated. The next time Person 2 sees Person 1 with something in their hands, they MUST smack that item out and yell "SPUNDOOLIE!" The challenge now belongs to Person 1 again. This repeats for eternity.

Typically, Spundoolie is first initiated during an argument. Person 1 and 2 are arguing, Person 1 has enough, says "Screw this! Spundoolie!" and knocks whatever Person 2 is holding onto the ground.

Theoretically, Spundoolie COULD be stopped in Person 1 and 2 both hold something and simultaneously knock the items onto the ground, creating a truce until Spundoolie is initiated again. Keep in mind, this has never been successfully completed.
*during an argument*
Person 1: "How can you not see that Adam Sandler is superior to Jim Carrey?"
Person 2: " Because Adam Sandler has so many trash movies!"
Person 1: "That's it! *knocks item out of Person 2's hands* SPUNDOOLIE!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:50:01