

俚语 squibby


The act of repeatedly squishing (or squibbing) up and down.

The term was first coined by fans of Amaris Yuri, an english VTuber, and associated with a goofy-looking emote of the VTuber squishing up and down.
"someone being a bitch?
squibby on them.
someone threatening you and your family?
squibby on them.
family member died?
squibby on them.
dont care didnt ask?
squibby on them.
love them?
squibby on them.
hate them?
squibby on them."
-Amaris Yuri


A partially smoked cigarette usually found in ashtrays or on the floor.
roadkill: do you have a stougie?
jonny: no, i just smoked my last one. but look in the ashtray over there for a squibby.
roadkill: ight nigga thanx.


Squbbie means when your feeling hibbie and you just want to squibbie
Are you a squibbie


1. something that is completely radical.
2. something that is "retro."
3. someone who is beyond awesomeness.
Mikey: you see that girl take that gnarley wave?

Steven: totally she is all SQUIBBIES.

Mikey: cha SQUIBBIES for sure.


Another name for a Chevy Corsica.
Did you see that piece of shit sqiubby go by?

General Squibby

1. The leader of an army of Squibbies

2. A broad or generalized Squibby
1. "Hey Squibby. Should we attack them."

"I'm not sure other Squibby. Perhaps we should ask General Squibby."

2. "That's very Squibby."

"Like. Enormously Squibby, or proportionally Squibby?"

"Just kinda generally Squibby you stupid slut!"


**Squibby (adj.)**:

Exhibiting spontaneous bursts of joy, often characterized by playful dances, wiggles, or other lively movements; being endearingly energetic and spirited in response to positive stimuli.
Example: *Whenever my dog sees her favorite toy, she gets all squibby and can't help but dance around the room.*




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