

俚语 squidward's tiki land

Squidward's Tiki Land

Great place for the boys and fellers to fuck around in and stuff.
Me: Wanna go to fucking Squidward's Tiki Land
You: Sure!

Squidward's Tiki Land

When six guys lay on their back in a circle and the girl takes turns riding each of them in sequence.
Bro, if we all put our money together we'll have enough for one hooker this weekend, we can just create Squidward's Tiki Land.

Squidward's tiki land

Being too high, leaving reality. You have no concept of life. You are simply existing on a astral plane.
Bill: Yo John have you seen phill

John: He's on squidward's tiki land; blasted beyond belief.

Phill: tiki tiki

Bill: Dear lord he's left reality.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:51:51