

俚语 staling


When something is old, no longer relevant and/or over used.
"Omg did you hear about what Janice did to Veronica?!?!"

"Oh girl I've been hip... that shit is stale"


Similair to peak, but used to describe a person. Almost a mixture of when somebody is dead/boring and peak.
“Riley French is so stale”
“Ye I know he’s always scoring sweaty goals with Icon Hernandez”


means "Corny" something "not Funny",Wack
Hey guys you heard of "SafeWay" right well what if I called it "DANGEROUS WAY"..lol



Lacking a certain something..... Being lame, as in old, like bread, except not moldy....
Look at his stale ass! He doesn't deserve that hoe.


A person who always sides with the same person, even when he knows that that person is in the wrong, he still sides with him/her, because the person knows he cannot win an argument with the one he always sides with
Mrs, Reynolds is so stale, she always sides with Patrice even though she knows I didn't do anything


To be Stale is to be in a Zen like state, for instance whilst having a hangover where the body is feeling sick, and the mind is not willing to do anything, hence zoning out, and being stale.
Guy 1 : Dude I’m staler than a stale cake on stale cake Wednesday
Guy 2: Dude that is stale


The opposite of fresh; Lacking freshness; Missing the certain freshness acquired by fresh clothes therefore being stale
Bob: "Man look at that guys kicks! They're so stale!"
Jim: "Yeah, they're not fresh at all"

Andy: "Man, you're so stale"
Larry: "Yeah I need to get some fresh new clothes..."




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