

俚语 stalked by

stalked by

the equivalent to walked by, in facebook and other social networking sites, to check out someones status or page
I just stalked by your fb page to say hi!

I stalked by his page and saw some nasty pics.


When two people go for a romantic walk but only one of them knows.
See, they're going for a romantic walk but she doesn't seem to notice him. He must be stalking her then


The urge to frantically know everything about a person by searching their facebook, instagram, twitter, tumblr and sometimes even pintrest.
That guy is so hot! Lets stalk him!
She was so stalking me last night, she accidentally liked my profile picture.


Is when two people go for a long romantic walk together but only one of them knows about it.
Jenna had no Idea I was stalking her during her two mile walk along the beach yesterday.


To follow and/or spy on someone you have feelings for. Those feelings need not be of a kind and loving nature. People who stalk are usually obsessed with the stalkee.
Tim: Why are you hiding in that bush?
John: I'm stalking the girl who lives here!

Stalk on

An erection of the penis.
Oh dude, I was walking down the street and I saw this fine piece of ass, and I got a right stalk on.


It’s not stalking if you’re just watching.
They are stalking Rodney.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:35:01