

俚语 stupid dog

Stupid dog

A phrase that Eustace from Courage the Cowardly Dog uses to belittle him after he does something stupid in Eustace's eyes.

He usually takes out the infamous tiki mask or another trick to frighten the hell out of Courage to bully and to laugh at him, and Muriel slaps or smacks Eustace with the infamous rolling pin or another object to punish him for scaring Courage.
Eustace: Stupid dog! (takes out a green tiki mask) Booga!!! Booga!!! Booga!!!

Courage: AHHHHH! *runs off*

Muriel: Eustace! *smacks Eustace with a rolling pin*

Eustace: OW!! What'd I do?

Courage: (sighs after he stops and talks to the audience) I deal with this every day! But at least Muriel smacks him with something...

Two Stupid Dogs

A kick-ass Hanna-Barbara cartoon that was around during the early 90's.
"Isn't that cute.....BUT IT'S WRONG!!!"

2 stupid dogs

One of the weirdest old cartoons ever. But I used to love it as a kid and I still do today!
I caught 2 Stupid Dogs on Boomerang today and giggled with glee as millions of childhood memories came rushing back.

2 Stupid Dogs

A show that uses weird words like kaka
isn't that cute, but it's WRONG

2 Stupid Dogs

Best cartoon show ever? Isn't that cute. BUT IT'S WRONG!
2 Stupid Dogs pales in comparsion to other great animated shows, like Samurai Pizza Cats.




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