

俚语 errred


a combination of feelings... mad, confused, pissed, depressed, ect. all at once
I don't want to talk about it... i'm errred!


To make a mistake, or to sin. Ignorance. "Err" is not used today in everyday conversation (other than making the sound "errrrr") but the word can be found in the bible.
"To err is human, but to forgive is divine…" Huggy Bear
"To err is human, but to forgive, well thats right on!" Bad guy in Starksy and Hutch


The smaller, more aggressive Mooninite.


An interjection that essentially means "What are you talking about?".
Jane: "I really like what you did to your hair."

Me: "Err? I haven't done anything to it."


the funnier of the two mooninites on aqua teen hunger force.
Give us the damn magazines!


a term used in awkward situations, when in a confused state, or when trying to make a tough decision.
Nick: hey eric, who's hotter.. Jaquann's sister or his girl?
eric: *glances at jaquann* "err...."

your interviewer asks: "You Have Read The Job Description And A Summary Of The Job Role So What Areas Of This Job Appeal To You The Least?"
you: "err...."


A word used to stall for time. The ellipsis may only be omitted if the word is foller by a comma.
Umm... Err... Uhh...




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