Very smart, usually loud and outgoing.
Always moving , really nice, someone you don't want to try or else. Very hot, sexy , fun to party with!
Always moving , really nice, someone you don't want to try or else. Very hot, sexy , fun to party with!
Get you a symae she's lit!
best girl in the world and I think she is super awesome .......very cool person to talk to!!
wow that girl is so cool she is like a syma.
My favorite girl who I hang out with 24/7.
I can tell her anything and we have fun playing ISS!
She’s a bad bitch, don’t get in her way or she’ll knock you out flat. She can also be the most caring person you ever met, just get on her good side
“You hear about Syma”
“Yeah stay the fuck away from her
“Yeah stay the fuck away from her