

俚语 t-boss


A game in which everyone participating writes down 2 questions and puts them in a bowl. Everyone goes around and picks a question. You have to either answer the question or take a drink/shot.

Sooner or later people become so drunk they answer the questions anyway.

The questions have to be some what personal

Also called:
T-pain TBoss Drunk Tipsy Awesome
Dude, I played T-Boss last night and told everyone about my crush on Sally.

Mrs. T-boss

An epic English teacher whom makes weird sounds throught her life time. She is sure to be at the top of anyone's charts. CHEAKS ON THE CHAIR!!!
Yo! Have you seen Mrs. T-Boss today?
Yah she be ballin!!

Mrs. T-boss

Mrs. T-boss is a English Teacher of some sort who beats all other teachers. If you are to encounter this teacher beware of her rath. Although you must take percaution, she is a wonder teacher. She may make sound effects throughout your school year. Also, never ever forget to put your cheaks on the chair or she shall yell at you!
Sam: Woah you seen Mrs. T-boss today?
You: Yah man shes wack.
Sam: You know it!

q boss t

best brit ever,
this is used for when someone is the best brit ever
did you see that brit? he is a q boss t




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更新时间:2024/9/20 3:14:05