

俚语 telephonical


to be a part of something, like a group or something, only by telephone.
I am part of your gang telephonically, because I talk to your friends on the phone.


adv. By telephonic means or processes; by the use of the telephone.
Can I please recieve the secret code
That if enetered telephonically
Would pass me through to you
Which means it will be your beautiful ass number?

The Telephone

When you put a thumb in her butt and a pinky in her vagina using one hand, keeping the middle 3 fingers in a fist.
She gave me the phone signal at the bar and I gave her the telephone the next day.


A common disorder precipitated by the overconsumption of alcohol causing the hammered sufferer to reach out by phone to every last person in their telephone contact list.
In a state of tragic undeniable pathos, a bad case of telephonitis drove her to make attempt after attempt to communicate absolutely nothing of importance with seriously shitfaced unintelligible slurring and an endless flood of tears!


A popular IRL chat client of the 20th century.
Guy 1: Dude, the funniest thing happened when I was talking on the telephone yesterday.
Guy 2: Telephone? Isn't that that antiquated thing my grandma uses?


What people used in the 1300's and before. The telephone was often used by dinosaurs as a fetch toy. Telephones are like cell phones, only 100 times worse because they are the primitive version. The first person to make a telephone was God's great grandfather.
Last time I heard that I had to get off of my telephone.


when a word or phrase becomes completely garbled and misinterpreted due to misinformation of said original word or phrase
"Non-factual statements such as paraphrases or reported speech can become telephoned due to misinformed spread of knowledge"




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