

俚语 testhole


It is a derivation of the word 'asshole'. Closely linked to the 'askhole'. Maybe even the same guy...The 'testhole' loves to tell you about how he/she did on a test when you did not even ask them. They will freely give the information because they are confident that they have achieved a better score than you.
You: (thinking out loud and minding your own business) " Man, that fuckin sucks. I totally thought I'd do better on the test than that."
Testhole: ( lingering in your immediate area waiting for the moment to ask) "What's wrong? How'd you do?"
You: ( Not paying attention enough to recognize you are setting yourself up) "86."
Testhole: ( With heavy undertones of false modesty) "100. Sucks for you man. I didn't think the test was that hard." ( Smiles and walks away)


a person being tested negative of covid-19 and brags about it; variation of vaxhole
this lad has his results came back and became a testhole all of a sudden




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:24:11