Texas Water Plug
Texas Water Plug
When you have eaten so much Tex Mex cuisine that you constipate yourself with a small, plugging, cork type turd which, once finally worked out, unleashes a torrent river of watery, explosive shit.
Jose trotted into the stall hoping to gain relief from the wrenching gut pain he had experienced all afternoon. Finding himself straining to release, he realized he had a Texas water plug. Gritting his teeth and grabbing the hand rails, he blew out the shit cork and the flow that came hence forth from his lower intestine was like the spray of a putrid Bellagio fountain.
When you have eaten so much Tex Mex cuisine that you constipate yourself with a small, plugging, cork type turd which, once finally worked out, unleashes a torrent river of watery, explosive shit.
Jose trotted into the stall hoping to gain relief from the wrenching gut pain he had experienced all afternoon. Finding himself straining to release, he realized he had a Texas water plug. Gritting his teeth and grabbing the hand rails, he blew out the shit cork and the flow that came hence forth from his lower intestine was like the spray of a putrid Bellagio fountain.
Texas water plug