

俚语 text support

text support

Offering moral support and love via text message. Note, this technique is especially useful when your foul-weather friend is going through her umpteenth horrendous breakup and you're sick of actually talking to her, or wrather, pretending to listen. You still want to be nice, but damn, you gots bettah things to do than listen to her whine all day! Shee-it.
<cell rings>
Me: Ugh god, its my needy friend Samantha again. I swear, I've nursed that girl through so many break-ups...
Cool Friend I'm Hangin' Wid: Fuck her. Don't answer it.
Me: But I still want to help and I do care about her...
Cool Friend: What you need to do is offer a little text support.
Me: Great! Got it! Thanks text support!!!

Text Support

Advice, encouragement delivered via text... frequently related to dating and boss hating. Pronounced like tech support.
Hey, thanks for all the text support last night! I have a coffee date with him today.

Text Support

Conducting computer or tech support via text messaging.
I was able to get the user logged in via text support.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:14:49