

俚语 the 99%

The 99%

1) Refers to 99% of the population in America. That is, 1% of the American population controls 99% of the wealth. So "The 99%" refers to those who control 1% of the wealth.

2) In 2011 it was wrongfully attributed to the "Occupy" movement, that claim it represents "The 99%" when in fact they only represent themselves.

3) Uneducated intellectuals.

4) Hippies.

5) Poor people.
Steve: "Hey Bill, what are all those people doing down there?"

Bill: "Well Steve, those are 'The 99%'. I think they are preparing to collect welfare."

Steve: "Ohhh, so that's how it works?"


Boy: Since 69 is a sex position, does it mean 99 is cuddling?

Girl: ...
Boy: do you wanna 99?
Girl : Seriously? Yeah sure, why not?


A reference to cuddling or spooning. Each 9 represents a person, and the rest can be seen.

It's basically 69, but wholesome
K: I wanna 99

M: What?

K: I'm little spoon ^_^

M: wha... ohhh, okay :)


When you're really close to something/someone but you don't make it.
I tried asking this girl out but I 99'd because she changed her mind.


Almost all but not quite. Generally doesn't actually represent a statistical 99%.
Used to make it seem like there's an extremely small chance that what you say is wrong, when in reality it may be as large or larger.
Example / (Translation)
I'm 99% sure / (I have no fucking idea)
Our hand sanitizer kills 99% of germs / (It kills a few germs)


99 = Nighty-night! Usually used when it's late into the night btw =3
you: OMG, it's 3AM already and we're still online...
me: ya, we should probably off to bed...=.=
you: k, 99
me: 99 =3


A term used by the occupy wall street protesting the bankers who are considered the 1%, the super rich. 99% refers to the struggling working class. Oddly only bankers and a few CEOs are considered the bad 1%. No one protest celebrities that often make hundreds of times more than their camera man, assistants, writers or a person selling beer at sporting events. Some may argue they have little effect on the common man but when Leno and Letterman make over 35 million a year (despite low ratings) advertisers or the network have to pay more. The workers will get less, more work, let go or outsourced.

Example of those super rich in 1% no one wants protest:
Michael Jordan, Jerry Seinfeld, Jay Leno, Oprah, 50 cent, Barry Manilow, Katie Couric, Kobe Bryant, Dr. Phil, Dr. House, Jeff Gordon, Sam Waterston, Barbara Walters, IMUS, Adam Sandler, Seth Macfarlane, Tiger Woods, Ted Danson and hundreds more.
Brian Williams said with a sad face "the rich keep getting richer while the 99% make less" but he makes twelve million year reading a teleprompter. More than most bankers for working 22 minutes a day. Comes out to about 100k a night. His assistant is likely in the 99%.

Dr. Phil spent 500k on his son's wedding. Then put an ad out needing a assistant from the 99%. Pay? 8 dollars an hour.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:07:51