

俚语 the dictators

the dictators

The first punk band releasing their first album in 1974. (Ramones in 76) Some may xconsider them glam rock but they are way more punk.
Manuel: "Who was the first punk band"

emo loser: "Green Day or SUm41"

Manuel: "WRONG!!!! DICTATORS BABY!!!!"


a : one holding complete autocratic control
b : one ruling absolutely and often oppressively
Ivo Robotnik and Emperor Palpatine are examples of dictators.


The tators hanging below your dic.
Investigator: Sir, are you aware that for the past 7 months your wife has been meeting in secret with a pair of notorious dictators?


A “mamabicho” ruler who refuses to listen to the majority of his constituents and resign.
Puerto Rico’s dictator, Ricardo Rossello, believes an apology will help citizens forget his misogynist, derogatory comments and gross mismanagement of federal funds.


The opposite of a pussytator. When a dictator and pussytator get together, they make babytators.
The dictator was too huge for the little pussytator.


how one's dick (tates) tastes
My girlfriend says my "dictate" real good.


The flavour of a penis when it is sucked on for an indeterminate time.
Hey bitch, how did my dictate last night?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:49:48