

俚语 bikun


1. The son of DWB
2. A creative or witty saying.
3. Representing anything funky and or english.
1. Hey, I'mmmm Bikun.
2. Dude, he just told me a classic bikun!
3. Woah, that was totally bikun!


kid who was in my English class last year
Yo, it's bikun, quigley's friggin friend


Bi-kuh-neer; Bikuneer ,
can be compared to a buccaneer all thought key elements of significant aspects of the two are traverse.

such as a ship is replaced with a Performance bicycle

the ocean and seas are replaced with pavement ,roads and trails of all sorts pertaining to travel upon a bike .
swindle, Boost , commander all are a common practice among an Bikuneer to sustain ones ,hygiene, sustenance , habits and necessity,

also commonly paert of underground factions and groups.
Bikuneers live by a code that is up most honored and a majority of a Bikuneers day to day activity is biking distances most people could not endure .

Minneapolis Bikuneers Zeta was founded in Minneapolis, Minnesota by its founding Person J. Conn A.K.A J's me in the year 2017 .

Bikuneers are trust worthy people all thou are opportunistic and ,depend on survival so to be an patriot to an Bikuneer association or individual is advised .
To be a TRUE Bikuneer you must have great stamina, Resilience , and be an ninja too...


A strange but enticing dessert found on a continent not yet discovered.
::I found a piece of bikun theother day and ate it.
::Wow, I've never even seen a piece of bikun before.
::Yea, everyone wants a piece of bikun.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 2:55:17