Think Center
A place that anyone may go To collect their thoughts, ponder on subjects, and generally think.
To present oneself with an idea would be to think it.
The past-tense of thinking of something while in a Think Center would be to `Thinked`it.
To be Think Centered is to have elevated thought activity than normal.
Think Centers can be anywhere that accumulates higher levels of thought for one or more people, than a general area.
Examples: schools, desks, quiet places, classrooms, natural areas, Etcetera.
Think Centers are not officially established nor approved by any figure of authority. Their location are places of preference by any individual.
To present oneself with an idea would be to think it.
The past-tense of thinking of something while in a Think Center would be to `Thinked`it.
To be Think Centered is to have elevated thought activity than normal.
Think Centers can be anywhere that accumulates higher levels of thought for one or more people, than a general area.
Examples: schools, desks, quiet places, classrooms, natural areas, Etcetera.
Think Centers are not officially established nor approved by any figure of authority. Their location are places of preference by any individual.
I thinked of a great idea!
Give me a second, I`m Think Centered
I cant`t do my math homework here, so I`m going to my Think Center.
I went to my Think Center alone because nobody else can be Think Centered there but me.
Give me a second, I`m Think Centered
I cant`t do my math homework here, so I`m going to my Think Center.
I went to my Think Center alone because nobody else can be Think Centered there but me.