The word, "Thorocity" is pronounced the same as "viscosity". It is essentially the same as "Thorality", but the big difference between "Thorality and "Thorocity" is that whilst employing "Thorality" with every thing that one does, it is done with anger and fury.
The "Thorocity" with which James completed his computer aided drawing, resulted in a broken keyboard and mouse. Nevertheless, the details taken into consideration during his work speaks true to his "Thorality"
When James designs a new part/product, he does so with the utmost "Thorocity" which usually results in either a broken laptop , screen, mouse or keyboard. Nevertheless, his "Thorality" with which he completed his work is breath taking and unmatched.
When James designs a new part/product, he does so with the utmost "Thorocity" which usually results in either a broken laptop , screen, mouse or keyboard. Nevertheless, his "Thorality" with which he completed his work is breath taking and unmatched.