the non-binary of both thot and incel. See, the secret that non-binaries know, is that the thot and the incel are gendered halfs of the same whole. The incel, being masculine, believes that they are great, and that in rejection, he must convince the rejectee that he is great. The thot, being feminine, believes that she is inadequate, and that in rejection, she must improve herself to achieve greatness to be recognized. The thotcel is ascendant, and depressed. The recogition that they are neither great, nor inadequate, simply average, and that there are perhaps things they could have done to become sexier, or to advertise their existing sexiness, but none of that matters now, and yet, they try anyways, knowing that they're ultimately doomed. They cannot change themselves. They cannot change the other. They must walk above, alone.
They're such a thotcel