

俚语 titty popping

Titty Popping

The act of punching a female with implants in the breast; causing it to pop.
Me: Wanna go titty popping later?
Friend: Sure I'll pick you up at eleven.


An upper body dance where a black girl shakes her breast in motorboat style.
Can be performed shirtless, and can be done by precious.
Did you see precious doin' the titty-pop?!

Ooo, girl, I wish I could titty-pop like she does.

Titties Popped

When the head lights on a sports car are popped up
Ridin' in the coupe with the titties popped

titty pop

When a girl pulls her shirt up and her titties pop out
Damn that titty pop was hot

Homie G Funkalicious Titty Pops

"Homie G Funkalicious Titty Pops" is the superior variation of the saying "Homie G Funk" which is what you call your best friend. However "Homie G Funkalicious Titty Pops" is what you yell at your favorite best friend after they've been gone for a long time.
You: "Wassup Homie G Funkalicious Titty Pops!!!"

Them: "Not much my man main!"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:05:27