

俚语 (to be) welf

(to be) welf

To borrow relentlessly from others but have the means to buy for oneself. To be a chronic moocher. Based on North American slang for 'collecting welfare' (to be on benefits) but not deserve it.
Heh, could I bum a cigarette from you guys? Forgot mine at home..
(Takes cigarette, smiles and walks away.)
Shit, that guy is so welf. He never has his own smokes, bums my beer when he comes over but always has cash to buy some chick a drink. What a fucker!


to reach your climax, to release your semen, to cum, to release your sperm, to spray your man juice
I am going to welf on your face.
I am going to share my welf with your mouth.
Tell me when you are going to welf.
Stop welfing on me.


A person who relies solely on Welfare and is too lazy to go out and get a job. Someone who abuses the Welfare system.
Her sister's a complete welf. She just sits at home all day and smokes her bong.


something that sucks, or is cheap

see wordwelfareword
"That's welf"


W.E.L.F = Whiny Emo Livejournal Faggot.

Used for people who have online diary/blog things, and post in them.
Ha ha ha, you've got a Livejournal you WELF.


noun; A witch-elf like person who is not short but funsized. Often have red hair or ginger. Tend to make friends with the lunchladies at school.
She was straight up welfin'

Damn look at that sexy piece of welf

That welf was gigglin' up a storm

That welf has a hot ass booty

Smell her welfin' from a mile away


Verb. To run naked through a department store in a crazed panic.
After losing all his clothes in strip poker, Bill welfed, desperately trying to find a towel.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 16:47:29