An incredibly smart, although often shy individual. You'll most often find one in his room playing videogames or chatting with a bunch of girls he's trying to get with, but only consider him a friend. Extremely trustworthy and honest individual that can give you unbiased opinions on any subject and will always hold your secrets without telling anyone. A great friend and an even better lover.
Did you see that Torrin the other day? He looked hella badass.
A gorgeous woman who is not afraid to be themselves. She will always be there for you. She’s really good in the bed. (Sex)!!
I want to be Torrin
Torrin it poke a whole in the top of a beer can, allowing you to drink faster.
#2. to completely screw up a situation that may be going well (particularly with the females).
#2. to completely screw up a situation that may be going well (particularly with the females).
#1. before we pound these brewskies i want to torrin it first.
#2. if i didn't torrin it last night i would have gotten layed for sure!
#2. if i didn't torrin it last night i would have gotten layed for sure!
Dirty Torrin
Being a man who is flirting and talking dirty to their best friend. Even if she has a boyfriend. This man doesn't give up on what he believes in.
Dude, that man is a dirty Torrin.
the single worst human being to walk planet earth, probably will cheat on you, you will cry because of them for sure.
Girl 1: im interested in this guy, his name is Torrin!
Girl 2: watch out he's probably a total douche.
Girl 2: watch out he's probably a total douche.
Someone who has a big dick and looks like randy
He’s taking a pants off he must be a torrin