

俚语 trieu


1. An asian, specifically Vietnamese, surname. Pronouced "true", though wrongly and humorously pronouced as "tree-u".
2. A once famed comic series from the Summerlin Las Vegas underground scene.
"That's not gravity; it's just a bunch a Trieus pulling you down!"

Richard Trieu

A knight in shining armor who fell deeply in love with the princess, Jade Tsan. The first time he saw her, he knew she was the one. His immense love for her is comparable to that of the story of Romeo and Juliet. But sadly, similar to many other fairytales, Princess Jade had no clue of his love for her. He is still waiting for the perfect time to tell her that he loves her...
A: Hey! Isn't that Richard Trieu? The one who's so deeply in love with Jade Tsan?
B: Yup! That's him!

trieu thu

A Well Mannered Girl Who Is Obsessed With Anime And Manga
Wow She's A Trieu Thu

trieu thu

A Sweet Mannered Girl Who Is Obsessed With Anime And Manga
Wow She's A Trieu Thu

Huy Trieu Nguyen

an asian kid who in loved with a girl name Cathy
huy trieu nguyen have girl friend now

Vy Trieu

1. To describe culi and taxsi’s crazy fangay.
2. To describe a shortie who thinks he is higher than the rest of the world
Trieu Vy is very Vy Trieu since he’s a culi

Trieu Nghi

Usually a back stabbing bitch, very stuck up, who thinks being rich is a personality. Uses people vulnability to weasle her way out of trouble. Technically a "chanel" if yk what i mean.
OMG she/he's sooo manipulaive, what a Trieu Nghi!




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