

俚语 trisomy 21

trisomy 21

Another name for Down Syndrom.
Jon has Trisomy 21. Or abbreviated as Jon has T-21.

trisomy 21

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Trisomy 21

Trisomy 21 is a condition that occurs during meiosis in sex cell division. This means the production of egg and sperm cells. This condition is when cells do not reproduce properly, also called nondisjunction. This causes one gamete to have 2 #21 chromosomes. When this is combined with the opposite gamete, it causes there to be 3 #21 chromosomes. In a "regular" human,m there are 46 chromosomes overall. In a person with Trisomy 21, there are 47.

This is what happens for persons who have what is diagnosed as "down syndrome". It is because the person has too MUCH genetic information.

Some of the symptoms of Down Syndrome, or Trisomy 21 are:
-mental retardation
-wide range of mental abilities
-round, full face
-enlarged and creased tongue
Example 1:

Joe: "Did you hear about the new kid? He has down syndrome! Poor guy!"
Bob: "We learnt about that in Bio class!"

Example 2:
Joe: "Your mama is sooo fat..."
Bob: "Oh ya?! Well, you have Trisomy 21!"
Joe: *silence*

Down Syndrome "Trisomy 21"

I'm really surprised at the illiteracy of our society. I think that many people have a learning disability, especially when you ask them what they think Down Syndrome is. It's actually called Trisomy 21. People with this CONDITION (not disease) have an extra chromosome. The 21st chromosome tripled at conception. Most down syndrome people have medical problems such as, heart defects, liver problems and kidney problems. Their weight problems come from their thyroid being too high or too low. These guys can learn, just a little slower than you and I. This is not a disease, it is a condition. They also have features that aren't like ours, which makes them unique. Their not perfect, but neither are we. When you find someone who is, then I think you'd better call the American Medical Association. What makes them much different than some of you that have tried to define this condition is that they are better than you because they have no concept of judgement. You will never hear them judge someone elses way of life. I've read many of the definitions on this site and I can only say that I'm really dissapointed to know that their are that many cruel people out there. YOU rude people are the reason that down syndrome people are rude. They have to protect themselves from people like you. What "DISEASE" do you have that makes you the way you are? These kids are blessed children of God. They don't know what evil is. In closing, the next time you want to create your own definition of something, use your brain and look it up in a dictionary first. As for those of you who bashed this condition, you just made yourself look like a real dumb-ass.
I am a mother of a beautiful little girl who has down syndrome. I can only say to you who down this conditon that you are the ones with a very selfish disease called "JUDGEMENT"




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