

俚语 bitch flipped

Bitch Flipped

While waiting to turn left at a traffic light that is red

You Decide it would be faster to turn right, and flip a bitch.
Right after you turn around the traffic lights change and you are now sitting at another red light in the same intersection.
Man I'm in a real hurry to get some poontang and this light is taking way too long. I better go right and do a u-turn.
I hope I don;t get bitch flipped and waist 3 more minutes.

bitch flip

a hairstyle popular in the late 80's early 90's. the bangs of the females hair are teased and hairsprayed inot a huge crest, like a cockatoo.the sides usually puff out until the female looks like a lion. commomly seen in the armpit of georgia, lindale and silver creek, where its popularity has not yet waned.
kim has a killer bitch flip.

Bitch Flip

When a woman goes from happy or mellow to a bitch with little or no reason. Not necessarily due to her time of the month.
I was talking to Sally today and with no warning she bitch flipped on me.

Bitch Flip

A Barbie flavored Pringle.
"Dude, why does the chip in the bottom of the bag always taste like a bitch flip?"

bitch flip

Turning a motor vehicle 180 degrees while in motion.
"Dude, I think we're going the wrong way, you better bitch flip and head south."

bitch flip

When someone is being a bitch and is extremely pissed off
Shes having a bitch flip on my little sister




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