

俚语 biting tongue


Adjective used to describe when someone's words are exceptionally hurtful, cruel, or insensitive. Applied to a situation/remarks through ownership: your, his, her ; "Your biting tongue," "he has a biting tongue."

Definition of 'BITING' as an adjective: vicious, harsh, cruel, savage, cutting, sharp, bitter, scathing, caustic, acid, acrimonious, acerbic, stinging; vitriolic, hostile, spiteful, venomous, mean, nasty; informal bitchy, catty. ANTONYMS mild, gentle.
"When provoked, he had a biting tongue."

"Her biting tongue became more vicious after a few beers."

"Your biting tongue caused an uncomfortable atmosphere after your argument with the waiter."

bite my tongue

keep in silence, keep a screet
I know what's going wrong with him, but I'll bite my tongue

bite your tongue

When a person wants to say something that may be offensive or hurtful to someone, so instead says nothing.

Opposite of speaking your mind.
She asked me if I liked her play. I just bit my tongue and nodded.

If somebody asks if you think there is something wrong with them, it is best to bite your tongue and say nothing.

bite your tongue

what you say to someone who says something that you disapprove of
Sammy: "say Sally, isn't your 40th birthday just around the corner?"

Sally: (with icy look in her eyes) ".....bite your tongue old man!"

Tongue Bite

It's means exactly what the word implies; you bite your tongue.

Usually this happens when you're talking to fast or while you're eating too quickly or something. It's hurts like a motherfucker, and the pain literally goes through your head. It's way worse when you bleed and then it swells it up, and whenever you brush the tip of your tongue against you're teeth, you could actually feel the cut.
girl 1--Shit, I just got a tongue bite from chewing my gum.

girl 2--Oh man, that sucks. I hate when that happens to me.

bite your tongue

A response to something you don't want to hear.
Andy: But you hate me. :
Cait: Bite your tongue! I do not.

Bite my Tongue at You

Holding back whatever the individual wanted to say (insult) by biting their tongue.

Form of holding back and insulting someone without actually saying the insult intended.
Often used because the insult is too hard-hitting to be used.
"I bite my tongue at you sir."




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