To un-block a cockblock. The process of taking a horrible cockblock situation and remedying the matter back to it's original status quo (a non-cockblock event). If you get cockblocked and you, another person, or thing dismantles the cockblock, it is thus "uncockblocked."
Guy at a party who can't get laid sees another guy about to get laid, and then goes over and starts to mess things up between the guy and girl about to get laid, but thankfully a friend distracts the guy who is not getting laid, takes him around the corner, and knocks his ass out. Things between the couple then go back to how it was, no cockblock, thus everything has been made "uncockblocked."
When a persons game is so strong that NO ONE, not even the best of all cock blockers can salt it.
Chad is Uncockblockable!
You cannot cock block me against bangin your sister, my game is Uncockblockable.
You cannot cock block me against bangin your sister, my game is Uncockblockable.
unable to be cock blocked.
unable to be cock blocked.
"Mane that boy Rell is uncockblockable."