U R ∃
you are Gay
You can text message, post this on someones wall on facebook. U R ∃
u r
Shorthand type used by u-typers, the childish internet users who are too lazy to type the proper amount of letters contained in words. This results in the mutilation of proper written English.
U-typer: u r a fag.
Me: You are un-American. Please die in a fire.
Me: You are un-American. Please die in a fire.
u r
Short for "You are".
U r weird.
u r
shorthand for 'you are'. commonly used on the internet.
u r a fgt
u r
Same thing as “your” but shorter to say so ony lazy people that dont talk much say it.
U R mum gayyyyyyyyyyyyy
the best comeback when some1 calles u a name.
guy1> omg u fucking fagget
guy2> U R
guy1> gaping.
guy2> U R
guy1> gaping.
u r
See Also: no u
no u r