

俚语 uwuify


The action of degrading a word into "uwu language", often consisting of lisps and/or mispronunciation of the letter r. Adding "X3" or "Rawr" is also a common practice.
"How would you uwuify the sentence 'I love you'?

Simple. 'Uwu I wuv yoo Rawr X3'


Changing words in a way that it is presented as some anime furry way.
Rick: How do I uwuify?
Morty: I wrote an entire essay on it and some examples...

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
H-hewwo?? da quick bwown fox jumps ovew da wazy dog. ^-^

You have cannabis?
uu haz cannabis? :O

Uwuify Day

Novembew 4th

Da day whewe uu uwuify wowds
Rick: Hello.
Morty: Hewwo!
Rick: Dafuq you talking about?
Morty: You dumb bitch don't uu knuw that it is uwuify day?! UwU *kills Rick*




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