Compound of vengeance and legislation.
Noun. Pronounced \\ven-juh-'slay-shun\\
1- Legislation designed to punish people of a specific sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, and/or economic class.
2- The enactments of a vengislator or vengislative body.
3- Law(s) that stick it to straight, white, Christian people that have jobs.
Noun. Pronounced \\ven-juh-'slay-shun\\
1- Legislation designed to punish people of a specific sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, and/or economic class.
2- The enactments of a vengislator or vengislative body.
3- Law(s) that stick it to straight, white, Christian people that have jobs.
Bob the Builder: "This vengislation will make the world fair!"
Multitudes of followers, in unison: "Yes we can!"
Multitudes of followers, in unison: "Yes we can!"
Compound of vengeance and legislator.
Pronounced \\ven-juh-'slay-tur\\
1-One who proposes vengislation.
2- One who drafts vengislation.
3- One who votes to pass vengislation into law.
4- Barack Obama.
Compound of vengeance and legislator.
Pronounced \\ven-juh-'slay-tur\\
1-One who proposes vengislation.
2- One who drafts vengislation.
3- One who votes to pass vengislation into law.
4- Barack Obama.
Whitey'll get his. When The Vengislator is through with him, he'll be driving a wind-powered go-kart to his death-panel appointment.