Also known as "Feed vippen" is a streamer known for feeding hard in League of Legends and blaming his team for losing. Calling them "hardstuck 50% winrate diamond" when he is 30% winrate gold. Telling his botlane not to go 0/12 before the games even start and then goes 0/20 midlane saying he got counterpicked.
Always saying damage doesn't matter, always getting counterpicked, always feeding, always letting his laner roam, always blaming his team, always crying in chat, always in losers queue.
If you get a guy with 80 games 30% winrate on akali/yasuo on your team it's 100% vippen on one of his 200 bought accounts.
Always saying damage doesn't matter, always getting counterpicked, always feeding, always letting his laner roam, always blaming his team, always crying in chat, always in losers queue.
If you get a guy with 80 games 30% winrate on akali/yasuo on your team it's 100% vippen on one of his 200 bought accounts.
Person1: This guy is feeding mid, he is 0/12 on akali.... blaming his jungler...
Person2: Gotta be vippen!
Person1: Look this guy is on a 20 losing streak... and he keeps queueing...
Person2: Gotta be vippen!
Person1: Mid you only did 2k damage this game... less than our support.
Person2: Typical vippen...
Person2: Gotta be vippen!
Person1: Look this guy is on a 20 losing streak... and he keeps queueing...
Person2: Gotta be vippen!
Person1: Mid you only did 2k damage this game... less than our support.
Person2: Typical vippen...