

俚语 vojin


Vojin is a name that stands for hope.
That person is always happy and has a humor thats next level. Also it means a soldier. Its a rare name but the person with it is a blessing.
Vojin is a great guy


Real fighter,soldier. In Yugoslavia, name Vojin represents something big, brave and dangerous. When Vojin pass by every bitch shut up! Classic Serb.
Vojin is coming, please, act normal and don't be affraid!


Vojin is the kind of guy that you want to have around you. He is very smart. And when I say smart I mean genius, like true genius. He's very hard working and responsible. If you ever hear him doubting himself you will feel your heart breaking physically. He has a great sense of humor and he tells amazing jokes.

Tip for making your life better: Meet Vojin
Look, Vojin got a perfect score again.
-Yes, he's smart and hard working and he deserved it.

Oh my God, that's so funny
-Vojin told me this joke last week.


Vojin is one of the best guys you could know. He has all the qualities wanted for a good boyfriend: Funny, cute, smart, and sporty. He can also be dirty-minded, weird but he isvery trusty and the best frind anyone can have.
I wanna be a Vojin when I grow up


A fat and ugly guy that has no sense of humor. He has a very small penis (6-12cm) and he loves sucking BBC
Omg that is dickhead Vojin.

vojin se trigerovo

A commonly misused term, used to point out that a certain person is "triggered"
Me: I saw that meme, it's not funny.


Everyone that's named Vojin is a person with sigma grindset and a enormous cock. Powerful speaker and a loving partner. Get yourself a Vojin.
Call me when you ascend to Vojin-level.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 2:40:59