

俚语 aashika's


An extremely intelligent girl, Aashika applies 100% effort in everything she does. She is beautiful in personality as well as looks, with a modest attitude and a kind heart. You cannot help but love Aashika, and don't take her for granted as you will miss her when she is gone.
She got great results In What Ever she wants , is beautiful an popular! How amazing is this girl?

That's a Aashika all right!


Aashika is the definition of compassion. an Aashika might come off as indifferent and impatient occasionally but it's only because they are working for greater good which takes a lot of effort. Aashikas have a lot of talent in the arts and performance arts and have quite a lot of sports potential that they may/may not put to use. an Aashika has a graceful and sophisticated yet simple charm and is naturally beautiful.
Bob: Damn that was some good acting.
Dylan: Yeah man, who played Juliette?
Bob: Aw I dont know man, but it's definitely an Aashika.


Aashika is a loving friend, she is truthful, gorgeous, beautiful, caring funny and can be pretty sassy sometimes. She grows up to be a bit shorter than average but she proves that she can be just as strong as normal people. She is a savage and loves to have mini fights to people like Harshada. She gets annoyed easily and will become a wild cat when you mess with her.
Harshada: *starts talking loudly and it gets annoying* Aashika : can you shut up? I’m trying to work here!!! Harshada: IDC! Aashika: gives devil eyes and says ‘I WILL KILL YOU IN MY SLEEP’ JENNY: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH (Friend) ‘nice one Aashika’ Aashika: I know *flips hair *


Aashika is an Indian name which means beautiful smile. Aashika is one of the most beautiful people you'll ever meet I your life. She is drop-dead gorgeous, a part time head-turner and a full time jaw-dropper. She defines the word "hot", both in personality and looks. She loves to joke around with guys and is always the center of attention. She can be loud and if you mess with her, your life will become a nightmare. She is compassionate and has the best hugs. She's really curvy and loves to experiment with clothes. Aashika is also really smart and competitive. Lastly, she definitely lives up to her name, her smile can light up anyone's day!
John: Hey there Aashika
John: You're damn hot! Can we meet at 12am.
Aashika: Awwww... That's such a cute thing to say! I'll meet you in the locker room at 12am
*Aashika sashays away*

*10 minutes later*

John: ugh.. She's slapped me.

Therse: congrats! now you are also in her hating bad boys list.


Aashika is a really outgoing girl who you can't stop thinking about. The girl you see but never get the guts to meet or speak to, but you don't know why? She is very good looking and most guys really want her but never say anything! She is talented in more ways than one, such as with art, singing, thinking outside the box, oh and much more! She hardly accepts compliments but however has no issues giving them. She is very open to the idea of trying new things, but has a hard time getting herself to do them. Last but not least,

Aashika has the best hair that everyone wants!
Guy: I see her around but I never talk to her!

Guy2: Same here, I message her and stuff but can never seem to go to her in person.

Girl: Dang girl, I freaking want Aashika's hair!

Girl2: right!!


the most beautiful indian girl alive, the love of my life".
I love Aashika.


The really beautiful girl that everyone looks at and no one can take their eyes off, Just like the gem she is also rare and special to anyone who has one in their life, Anyone who has the honour to meet one or be friends with one is extremely lucky and you should take your chance and date her, As she is extremely kind and loyal and will never let you down. She is the kind of person who you can trust with secrets or just have a great chat with
Steve "Have you met Aashika"

Ron "Yeah bro your lucky she's such a gem"

Steve "Haha I see what you did there"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:50:42