

俚语 wangin' it

Wangin' it

The act of approaching a person completely unprepared and allowing your penis to guide you. This is usually acceptable when flirting with a woman but can come into play while talking to anyone.Derived from the common phrase "winging it".
Joe: Dude I just got this hot chicks number. I didn't even prepare myself, it just happened.

Bob: Text book definition of wangin' it.

Joe: May the power of the wang be with you.

Bob: And also with you young grasshopper.


Playing your car audio ridiculously and obnoxiously even perhaps clipping at peak volumes. Bay Area/ San Jose California Team Bass Freqs
Wangin - "Dude with them 18's came down the block wangin shaking houses and setting off car alarms."


comin from the east side kno t.n. means to be bumpin like system is really loud and u lettin ya self be known
mike came through the hood wangin yesterday witth 4 12s


The way people from the south bay area of San Diego say swangin.
Nigga that function was active as fuck! We was up in that bitch Wangin' !



Bass lines of indefinite low frequencies, vibrating the perimeter with substantial force due to universal principles related to supersonic sound fluctuations.
"Hey Fozzy that Bassnectar show last night was wangin', ((WhOmp)) ((wHoMp))."


To fustigate with a wang.
Dude, he totally wanginated you.


A word that can replace any word and be used in any context. Created in Kenmore, WA, the word "wangin" began spreading to other high schools and parts of the country. Experts predict that the word "wangin" will become a worldwide phenomenon in the next coming months. Variations of the word include "wang" and "wangster". Any hater of the word "wangin" is immediately frowned upon and shunned.
"May the wang be with you"
"Wanna wang this weekend?"
"You are so wangin"
"What's up wangster?"
"We are going to have a wangin race"




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